here some photo from the world athletics day!its during early morning in the bus where kare,wen yee, chin sleeping..haha enjoy~ i'll update this blog in 15 days time ayt~
sorry haven't got the picture for the world athletics day yesterday. I was darn sick ah!! puke alot. so far so good yesterday, i will take the picture as soon as i can! for now. its today training joe & me came!
Hey I'm back~ Huh training in bandar was so......NGALIH haha but it was fun tho, its was challenging. 1st day training was gym! and the whole week my body full with muscle pain!!grr... I can't even RUN or JUMP! but worthed. hehe so this is some pictures for the whole week training in Bandar and in KB Peace out!
more photos from the past track and field people. the last two pictures were during the HM celebration and I've got 5 medal tho.hahah i din took alot of picture during training today. Only me, joe, karen and wen yee come and it was raining heavily darn!we can't train! haha at least it was fun tho~;P